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properties located at 731 and 737 Crist Road and 732 and 738 Newark Road was referred to the <br /> Plan Commission. File 8561 <br /> e. The resolution authorizing the Final Payment of Public Works Contract C11-25, Renewable <br /> Energy Systems, was adopted File 8511 <br /> f. The resolution approving the 2012 Paratransit Aids Contract between the State of Wisconsin <br /> and the City of Beloit was adopted. File 8050 <br /> d. Community Development Director Julie Christensen presented a resolution approving a one-lot <br /> Certified Survey Map for the properties located at 1800 Gateway Boulevard and 1751 Apex <br /> Drive. She indicated that this is associated with the proposed NorthStar development project and <br /> that a condition in the resolution was amended slightly from the version that was published in the <br /> Councilors' packets. Councilor Haynes moved to adopt the resolution, and Councilor Newnham <br /> seconded. The motion carried 6-0. File 8455 <br /> 7. ORDINANCES <br /> a. Ms. Christensen presented a proposed Ordinance to amend the Zoning District Map to change <br /> the Zoning District Classification from PLI, Public Lands and Institutions District, to C-2, <br /> Neighborhood Commercial District, for the property located at 1872 Porter Avenue for a second <br /> reading. It was noted that the Plan Commission recommended approval 6-0. She indicated that if <br /> this zoning map amendment was approved, she would work with Hendricks Development, the <br /> owner of the adjacent property, to pursue a rezoning to assuage concerns regarding spot zoning. <br /> Councilor Luebke moved to enact the Ordinance, and Councilor Newn ham seconded. The motion <br /> carried 6-0. File 8522 Ordinance 3456 <br /> b. City Engineer Mike Flesch presented a proposed Ordinance to establish No-Parking <br /> Regulations on Cleora Drive for a first reading. It was noted that the Traffic Review Committee <br /> recommended approval 5-0. He indicated that staff sent our surveys to the neighborhood, and <br /> two people responded in opposition to the change and one person responded in favor. He also <br /> said that the original application was for no-parking on both sides of Cleora Drive; however, this <br /> Ordinance was born out of compromise between the business owners and the residential <br /> property owners in the area. Councilor Haynes said that if this change does not help the <br /> neighbors, the issue can be revisited. Councilor Newnham moved to suspend the rules for a <br /> second reading, and Councilor Van De Bogart seconded. The motion carried 6-0. On the merits <br /> of the Ordinance, Councilor Van De Bogart moved to enact, and Councilor Haynes seconded. <br /> The motion carried 6-0. File 7791 Ordinance 3457 <br /> 8. APPOINTMENTS— none <br /> 9. COUNCILOR ACTIVITIES AND UPCOMING EVENTS <br /> a. Councilor Newnham asked staff to review and follow up with an approved landscaping plan at the <br /> Blackhawk Substation on Pleasant Street. <br /> b. Councilor Luebke said that it was great to see so many educators and students in the audience. <br /> c. Councilor Van De Bogart said that he enjoyed a Stateline Literacy Council event at the Eclipse <br /> Center and encouraged everyone to attend and support the Beloit International Film Festival. <br /> d. Councilor Leavy thanked the students in the audience for their attendance. <br /> 10. CITY MANAGER'S PRESENTATION <br /> a. City Manager Larry Arft and Ms. Christensen presented the Community Development <br /> Reorganization. Ms. Christensen indicated that, due to the recent resignation of a manager in <br /> the Community Development Department, she is proposing to reorganize the department and <br /> distribute the workload to current employees through promotions to save money. Councilor Leavy <br /> asked how many people will be taking on additional responsibilities, and Ms. Christensen <br /> indicated that three people, including Ms. Christensen, will be responsible for the additional work. <br /> She indicated that budget savings in the Community Development Block Grant fund and the <br /> general fund would be realized through this reorganization. <br />