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7. ORDINANCES—none <br /> 8. APPOINTMENTS <br /> President Leavy announced openings and submitted the following appointment to the City <br /> Committees, Boards, and Commissions for approval. The appointment was approved on a motion by <br /> Councilor Newnham and a second by Councilor Haynes. The motion carried 7-0. <br /> a. Community Development Authority: Stephen F. Smith to a term expiring December 31, 2015. <br /> File 6054 <br /> 9. COUNCILOR ACTIVITIES AND UPCOMING EVENTS <br /> a. Councilor De Forest said that she appreciates the resident input regarding several issues before <br /> the Council and encouraged people to continue to provide it. <br /> b. Councilor Van De Bogart said that he went to the Riverfront kickoff meeting and that it was nice to <br /> see all of the upcoming events. He also said that"Up" will be the movie played in Riverside Park. <br /> c. Councilor Luebke said that he saw the wonderful play at Beloit Memorial High School and <br /> congratulated everyone for a job well done. He said that the Chamber of Commerce dinner was <br /> wonderful and that he participated in a recent meeting with the Mexican Consulate. He also <br /> stated that the community is the school district, and the school district is the community. <br /> d. Councilor Newnham acknowledged the great turnout in the audience at the meeting and said that <br /> participation adds depth to the conversation. <br /> e. Councilor Spreitzer said that it is great to see so many people in the audience and that he <br /> attended the Riverfront and Chamber events. <br /> f. President Leavy congratulated and welcomed the students and superintendent of the school <br /> district in the audience. <br /> 10. CITY MANAGER'S PRESENTATION—none <br /> 11. REPORTS FROM BOARDS AND CITY OFFICERS <br /> a. Fire Chief Brad Liggett presented a resolution approving a Contract with the State of Wisconsin <br /> for Statewide Structural Collapse Team Members. He said that the City was part of the original <br /> collapse team and already has the trained personnel. He added that the City will be reimbursed <br /> for any additional training associated with membership. Councilor Luebke made a motion to adopt <br /> the resolution, and Councilor Haynes seconded. Councilor Van De Bogart asked if this was a way <br /> to subsidize some of the Fire Department's training expenses, and Chief Liggett agreed. <br /> Councilor De Forest asked who reimburses the City, and Chief Liggett said that the Department <br /> of Homeland Security reimburses through Wisconsin Emergency Management. The motion <br /> carried 7-0 File 8534 <br /> b. City Manager Larry Arft presented a resolution approving improvements within Riverside Park <br /> located at 1160 Riverside Drive. It was noted that the Plan Commission recommended approval <br /> 6-0. He said the signage and improvements will identify the City Limits and the Park. Councilor <br /> Newnham made a motion to adopt the resolution, and Councilor Luebke seconded. Councilor <br /> Van De Bogart asked if they considered copying the entry feature on the south side of the park <br /> and about the cost and funding of the improvements. Mr. Arft said that the south side signage has <br /> similar elements. He said that the $325,000 for the project was approved in the budget last year <br /> and it is being funded through TID#6 and private donations. Councilor De Forest said that she is <br /> glad to see the sign scaled down and that it is important that it be large enough to see from the <br /> road. She said that she does not like the new bike path going through this part of the park nor the <br /> landscaping around the entry feature. Councilor Haynes said that the aesthetics of the park are <br /> very important and it is difficult to disagree with someone he respects. Councilor Newnham said <br /> that Riverside Park is a source of pride for everyone in Beloit and that it is important to keep more <br /> green space in the park. Councilor Spreitzer said that there are several members of the <br /> community who are opposed to the entry feature and that he has difficulty understanding the <br /> diagrams showing the improvements. President Leavy said that the Council has seven different <br /> opinions because they are seven different people. He said that they may disagree, but they are <br /> not attacking people, they are just asking questions to get information and make the best decision <br /> possible. He said that people said that they disagreed with the Riverside Drive reconstruction <br /> project at first, but the public is really enjoying it now. He said that the public will enjoy the park <br />