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b. Councilor Kincaid enjoyed seeing all of the artists painting pictures of common but spectacular <br /> places in Beloit, and he said that there will be a presentation for all of these paintings at Vision <br /> Beloit on Friday. <br /> c. Councilor Luebke thanked the Finnegan Family for their contributions to the Vets Roll program. <br /> He said he was in the Memorial Day Parade and felt great pride to see all of the residents. He <br /> reminded everyone to vote in the upcoming Election. <br /> d. Councilor Spreitzer said he walked in the Memorial Day Parade and participated in the Porter Ave <br /> Watch Group Clean-Up and Sharing Garden work day. <br /> 10. CITY MANAGER'S PRESENTATION <br /> a. Assistant to the City Manager Beth Jacobsen presented an advisory update regarding the July <br /> 12, 2012 Superweek Bike Race proposed to be located in downtown Beloit. City Manager Larry <br /> At said that the purpose of the report is to inform the Council and the public about the proposed <br /> bike race and provide details about the event. Councilor Van De Bogart asked about the number <br /> and type of racers, and Mike Norton and Andy Garrison explained that there would be at least <br /> 500 hundred riders who are local, regional, national, and international. Councilor Spreitzer asked <br /> if the Downtown Beloit Association has taken a position on the race, and Ms. Jacobsen indicated <br /> that the DBA has not. Walter Loos presented a petition signed by 20 downtown business owners <br /> and employees who support the race. Councilor Kincaid said that this will be a great opportunity <br /> to showcase Beloit's downtown. Police Chief Norm Jacobs indicated that the Police Department <br /> would have a minimum presence at the event as needed. Councilor Haynes said that none of the <br /> obstacles seem insurmountable, and he thanked Walter Loos and Paddle and Trail for bringing <br /> the race to Beloit. Mr. Arft indicated that this is a three-year commitment. The Council was <br /> supportive of this event in general. File 8554 <br /> 11. REPORTS FROM BOARDS AND CITY OFFICERS <br /> a. Finance and Administrative Services Director Paul York presented a resolution authorizing an <br /> amended and restated Cooperation Agreement; authorizing the Issuance and Sale of <br /> $1,665,000 Redevelopment Lease Revenue Bonds, Series 2012A and Series 2012A Municipal <br /> Revenue Obligation and the Execution of Related Documents; and authorizing an amended and <br /> restated Public Property Lease and Contribution Agreement. Mr. York introduced Dawn <br /> Gunderson, from Ehlers and Associates, who discussed the bond sale results. Councilor Luebke <br /> indicated that the Community Development Authority met at 5:30 p.m. that day and approved the <br /> issue. Councilor Spreitzer made a motion to adopt the resolution, and Councilor Luebke <br /> seconded. A roll call vote showed Councilors Kincaid, Spreitzer, Haynes, Luebke, and Van De <br /> Bogart in favor of adopting the resolution, no Councilors in opposition, and Councilors Leavy and <br /> De Forest absent. The motion carried 5-0. File 8514 <br /> b. Mr. York presented a resolution awarding the Sale of$7,240,000 General Obligation Corporate <br /> Purpose Bonds, Series 2012A. Ms. Gunderson discussed the sale of this bond issue. Councilor <br /> Luebke made a motion to adopt the resolution, and Councilor Van De Bogart seconded. A roll call <br /> vote showed Councilors Kincaid, Spreitzer, Haynes, Luebke, and Van De Bogart in favor of <br /> adopting the resolution, no Councilors in opposition, and Councilors Leavy and De Forest absent. <br /> The motion carried 5-0. File 8514 <br /> c. Mr. York presented a resolution adopting the 2013 City of Beloit Strategic Plan. He indicated <br /> that the minor adjustments requested that the Council workshop had been incorporated into the <br /> document. Councilor Van De Bogart made a motion to adopt the resolution, and Council Kincaid <br /> seconded. Councilor Spreitzer noted that while there is not any discussion of this matter at this <br /> meeting, the Council met with City staff and had a full day of discussion during a workshop <br /> several weeks ago. The motion carried 5-0. File 8556 <br /> d. City Engineer Mike Flesch presented a resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a <br /> Memorandum of Agreement between the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Rock <br /> County, and City of Beloit pertaining to proposed Improvements to CTH G, Inman Parkway <br /> Extension; and the use of Gateway Boulevard and Cranston Road for Incident Management and <br /> Congestion Management for IH 39/90. He indicated that the State of Wisconsin is looking to <br /> provide relief for congestion and incident management, including detours, for the upcoming IH <br /> 39/90 construction. Councilor Luebke made a motion to adopt the resolution, and Councilor <br /> Spreitzer seconded. The motion carried 5-0. File 8558 <br /> e. Water Resources Director Harry Mathos presented a resolution to approve Compliance <br /> Maintenance Annual Report for 2011. He said that this report is required by the DNR each year <br /> and serves as a report card for the wastewater treatment plant. He was proud to say that the City <br />