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On the merits of laying the ordinance over for a second reading at the September 17, 2012 <br /> regular City Council meeting, President Haynes requested a roll call vote. The motion carried 5-2, <br /> with Councilors De Forest, Kincaid, Spreitzer, Haynes, and Luebke voting in favor and Councilors <br /> Leavy and Van De Bogart voting in opposition. File 8562 <br /> 5. CITIZENS' PARTICIPATION <br /> • Beth Schmidt, 110 S. Wright Street, Evansville, introduced herself to the City Council as the <br /> Republican candidate for the 45th Assembly District and said that she looks forward to seeing <br /> them around the community. <br /> • Mike Zoril, 1746 Carlyle Road, Beloit, requested that a phrase be added to the chicken ordinance <br /> to require that property owners consent to City staff before they can enter private property, and <br /> he encouraged the Council to wait until the job is done before they pay contractors. <br /> 6. CONSENT AGENDA <br /> Councilor Van De Bogart made a to adopt the Consent Agenda, which consists of items 6.a. through <br /> 6.f. Councilor Luebke seconded, and the motion carried that the Consent Agenda be accepted, <br /> approved, adopted, or referred and acted upon as required by state and local codes by a vote of 7-0. <br /> a. The Minutes of the Special and Regular Meetings of August 20, 2012 were approved. <br /> b. The application for an Exception to the Architectural Review and Landscape Code for the <br /> property located at 615 Broad Street was referred to the Plan Commission. File 8567 <br /> c. The resolution authorizing Final Payment of Public Works Contract C12-10, Mudjacking, was <br /> adopted. File 8536 <br /> d. The resolution approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Beloit and <br /> Beloit Township to host a Joint Electronics Recycling Campaign was adopted. File 8271 <br /> e. The resolution approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Beloit and <br /> Turtle Township to host a Joint Electronics Recycling Campaign was adopted. File 8271 <br /> f. The resolution amending the 2012 Capital Improvements Budget to Revise for the Acquisition <br /> of 232 Shirland Avenue was adopted. File 8514/8345 <br /> 7. ORDINANCES <br /> a. Ms. Christensen presented a proposed ordinance amending the City of Beloit Comprehensive <br /> Plan for 220 and 250 Garden Lane for a second reading. It was noted that the Plan Commission <br /> recommended approved 6-0. Councilor Luebke made a motion to enact the ordinance, and <br /> Councilor Kincaid seconded. Councilor Spreitzer asked the Clerk about the possible ways in <br /> which alcohol could be served on the property, and City Clerk Rebecca. Houseman explained <br /> that any alcohol license other than a special event temporary license would have to be approved <br /> by the City Council. Councilor De Forest said that she is concerned about the possibility of liquor <br /> being served on the premises and that she would support C-2, Neighborhood Commercial, <br /> zoning instead of C-3, Community Commercial, zoning. Councilor De Forest made a motion to <br /> amend the ordinance to allow C-2 zoning, and the motion died for lack of a second. Councilor De <br /> Forest said that this amendment to the Comprehensive Plan opens the door for spot zoning. <br /> Councilor Spreitzer said that he is not concerned with alcohol use at this property because that is <br /> not the matter before the Council at this time. He said that this is a unique building and this would <br /> allow for greater flexibility in its reuse. The motion carried 6-1, with De Forest voting in opposition. <br /> File 8538 Ordinance 3467 <br /> 8. APPOINTMENTS—none <br /> 9. COUNCILOR ACTIVITIES AND UPCOMING EVENTS <br /> a. Councilor Luebke said that it was a pleasure to spend Friday night in the park, and it was a fitting <br /> tribute to Jerry Elliott. <br /> b. Councilor De Forest said she wanted to pay her respects to Jerry Elliott and acknowledge his <br /> contributions to Beloit. <br />