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<br /> <br /> problems than it solves. However, he indicated that he does support a comprehensive change to the traffic <br /> patterns in the area. President Leavy expressed concern that the School Board members had not offered <br /> feedback. He asked if there was enough room in the parking lots to hold all the cars and noted that not <br /> everyone can afford to pay for parking. He was concerned with re-routing traffic onto Sixth Street and said <br /> that the public did not support this street closure. The motion failed 0-6. File 6578 <br /> b. Resolution approving amendments to the City of Beloit Housing Loan Procedure Manual and Program <br /> Ms. Christensen explained that the City operates a number of Housing programs and the proposed <br /> changes stemmed from a HUD monitoring visit in May 2010. The changes would add specific language <br /> about the qualifications of contractors, the Environmental Review process, the Architectural and Lead <br /> Based Paint requirements, and the Distressed Property Loan Program. Councilor Johns moved to adopt, <br /> second by Councilor Densch. Councilor De Forest questioned the selection requirements for contractors, <br /> specifically the bullet point excluding contractors who owe property taxes or child support. Ms. Christensen <br /> said that she did not know if that was part of a HUD policy and suggested laying the item over so she could <br /> obtain more information. Councilor Van De Bogart also expressed concern about the section regarding <br /> child support. Councilor De Forest moved to lay over to the February 21, 2011 meeting, second by <br /> Councilor Newnham. The motion carried, and the item will be on the February 21, 2011 City Council <br /> agenda. File 7977 <br /> c. Resolution amending the 2011 Capital Improvement Budget to reflect the inclusion of the Milwaukee <br /> Road Gateway Corridor Study. Economic Development Director Andrew Janke described the project <br /> which included hiring a consultant to develop a comprehensive streetscape enhancement plan for the <br /> Milwaukee Road Corridor. Councilor Newnham moved to adopt, second by Councilor Johns. Councilor De <br /> Forest asked if a staff member could prepare a landscape design. Mr. Janke indicated that we do not have <br /> landscape and streetscape designers on staff. He also indicated that the study would be funded through <br /> the Tax Increment District #13 proceeds. Councilor De Forest asked if the business owners along this <br /> corridor were included in the planning, and Mr. Janke responded that there are 70 business members on <br /> the committee and that 20 usually attend the meetings. The motion carried 5-1 with Councilor Johns <br /> opposing. File 8463 <br /> d. Resolution awarding Contract C11-03, Amending the 2010 Capital Improvements Budget, and <br /> appropriating additional funds for the State Street Reconstruction Project. Mr. Botts thanked the Council <br /> for their accolades for the Public Works Department. He thanked the Fire Department for their help during <br /> the blizzard, and he thanked the citizens for staying home. Mr. Botts said that project included the brick <br /> reconstruction of State Street between Broad Street and East Grand Avenue and other amenities. He said <br /> the amendment was to revise the cost estimate for the project to accommodate an architectural feature at <br /> the corner of State Street and Grand Avenue. He said the project should be done before the Farmers <br /> Market starts on June 1. Councilor Densch moved to adopt, second by Councilor Johns. Councilor De <br /> Forest expressed concern with the engineering costs, the use of CIP monies for some of this project, and <br /> the proposed brick pavement. Mr. Botts said that an engineering consultant was needed to design the <br /> gantry feature and prepare construction documents. He said that the integrity of the street surface would <br /> be as good as or better than any other street and that maintenance of brick streets is not difficult. The cost <br /> of using brick was $70,000 higher than using asphalt. Councilor Johns was excited about the continuous <br /> improvement in downtown Beloit; however, she felt that this project was extravagant and did not support it. <br /> Councilor Newnham commended the City Manager and Mr. Botts for listening to everyone regarding the <br /> project and requested a copy of the street design documents. Manager Arft said that the original budget <br /> was done two years ago and did not include the resurfacing of several streets in the area. He said that this <br /> was a basic street project including amenities such as a brick intersection, new landscaping, benches, and <br /> other features to make downtown more pedestrian-oriented. He said that high quality development in the <br /> downtown is needed to spur economic development. He also mentioned that the gantry feature was not <br /> included in this Resolution and Council may reject that in the future. The motion carried 5-1 with Councilor <br /> Johns voting no. File 8406/8488 <br /> 11.At 9:22 p.m. Councilor Johns moved to adjourn, seconded by Councilor D Forest. The motion carried. <br /> Rebe ca S. Hous ma , City Clerk <br /> www.d.beloit.wi. us <br /> Date approved by Council: 02/21/11 <br /> Page 4 of 4 <br />