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<br /> lv <br /> d. Councilor De Forest said she attended the following events: Law Enforcement Memorial Service, Beloit <br /> Property Management meeting, School District of Beloit Honors Program, Art Walk, and the Reception for <br /> new Tourism Secretary Stephanie Klett. She also expressed excitement about the upcoming All-America <br /> City event. <br /> e. President Leavy said that Councilor Van De Bogart asked him to tell everyone that he could not be at this <br /> meeting because he was out of town. President Leavy encouraged residents to let their voices be heard <br /> and be involved by applying for City committees and boards. <br /> 10. CITY MANAGER'S PRESENTATION- none <br /> <br /> 11. REPORTS FROM BOARDS AND CITY OFFICERS <br /> a. Resolution authorizing the City of Beloit to Advertise for Bids for Public Works Contract C11-24 Gantry <br /> and Gantry Plaza. Mr. Botts presented the project and explained the history. He said that the engineering <br /> Division re-evaluated the project with the Downtown Beloit Association and made changes that would <br /> reduce the cost of the project. He indicated that the project would return to the Council to be awarded after <br /> the bids are received. Councilor Luebke moved to adopt, second by Councilor Haynes. Councilor De <br /> Forest thanked the staff for tightening up the project and reducing the cost. Councilor Newnham also <br /> expressed his thanks for reducing the costs. The motion carried. 6-0. File 8494 <br /> b. Resolution approving the Compliance Maintenance Annual Report. Mr. Botts explained that this is <br /> annual report that is submitted to the DNR about the City's water treatment plant. He noted that staff <br /> continues to be at the top level. Councilor Luebke moved to adopt, second by Councilor Spreitzer. <br /> Councilor De Forest indicated concern with the education piece required. She said that she is interested in <br /> public outreach and other ways to proactively educate the public regarding what happens to contaminants <br /> that reach our water supply. Mr. Botts indicated that tours and other educational opportunities are <br /> encouraged. He also indicated that the new prescription drop-off program would help reduce the number <br /> of contaminants and increase the water quality. President Leavy indicated that the Public Works Open <br /> House provided great educational opportunities for the public. The motion carried. 6-0. File 5303 <br /> c. Resolution approving the 2012 Strategic Plan was presented by Finance Director Paul York as a <br /> precursor to the 2012 budget. The vision, mission statement and goals were reviewed and tweaked with <br /> the Council during the workshop in May. He noted that the departments use the goals and objectives in the <br /> development of their budgets. Councilor Luebke moved to adopt, second by Councilor Haynes. Councilor <br /> De Forest asked why there was not a separate initiative under the Human Resources Division regarding <br /> efforts to reduce health insurance costs. Mr. York indicated that reducing health insurance costs is a <br /> priority and is identified as a performance goal. City Manager Arft asked that Mr. York add it to strategic <br /> objectives for next year. President Leavy indicated that he has had several conversations with Mr. Arft <br /> regarding health insurance and that reducing the costs are on the City's radar. Councilor Spreitzer said <br /> that the changes discussed at the strategic planning workshop have been included in this plan. The motion <br /> carried 6-0. File 8502 <br /> 12. At 8:16 p.m. Councilor De Forest moved to adjourn the meeting, second by Councilor Luebke. Motion carried <br /> 5-1 with Councilor Haynes voting in opposition. <br /> Rebec a S. Hous-emab, ity Jerk <br /> <br /> Date approved by Council: June 20, 2011 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> L <br />