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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ~ Budld Ut AppadIs: l dl iJly'I, 11. t idl IJLI i, Ivl J~ iCi I i i CRIJI( II ty I6LAY J 1, -u I J. I IIc U I <br /> b. Park, Recreation and Conservation Advisory Commission: Terry Lee Wilson, for a term cxpirng <br /> September 30, 2014. File 6180 <br /> c. Traffic Review Committee: Randy W. Cole, for a term expiring September 30, 2013. File 7399 <br /> 8. COUNCILOR ACTIVITES AND UPCOMING EVENTS <br /> <br /> a. Councilor Spreitzer said that he enjoyed attending the Send Your Legislators Down the River event and the <br /> Porter Avenue Sharing Garden Dedication. <br /> b. Councilor Luebke said the he also enjoyed the Porter Avenue Sharing Garden Dedication. <br /> c. Councilor De Forest requested that all staff reports include information regarding funding sources for <br /> projects and requested an update regarding internal controls relating to employee purchasing. <br /> d. Councilor Haynes congratulated those involved with Cruise Night and Autorama on a successful weekend. <br /> 9. CITY MANAGER'S PRESENTATION - none. <br /> 10. REPORTS FROM BOARDS AND CITY OFFICERS <br /> <br /> a. Resolution authorizing the City Manager to acquire Tax Delinquent Properties from the Rock County <br /> Treasurer. Ms. Christensen referenced the table and photographs provided in the staff report regarding the <br /> six houses that the City is requesting to purchase from the Rock County Treasurer. She indicated that <br /> these six houses are in the worst condition and that it is in the best interest of the City to purchase and <br /> demolish the houses. Councilor Luebke moved to adopt the Resolution, and Councilor Haynes seconded. <br /> The motion carried 7-0. File 8102 <br /> b. Resolution amending the 2011 Capital Improvement Budget to reflect the inclusion of the payment of <br /> earnest money for the purchase of the NorthStar Radioisotopes, LLC project site. Economic Development <br /> Director Andrew Janke presented the Resolution and the accompanying information regarding the <br /> acquisition of 13.14 acres of land owned by MLG/BRC Beloit LLC and 19.9 acres of land owned by Turtle <br /> Creek Development LLC for the NorthStar project. Councilor Van De Bogart moved to adopt the <br /> Resolution, and Councilor Haynes seconded. The motion carried 7-0. File 8463/8505 <br /> c. Resolution authorizing the City's Acquisition of 13.14 acres of land owned by MLG/BRC Beloit LLC for <br /> the NorthStar Project. Councilor Luebke moved to adopt the Resolution, and Councilor Haynes seconded. <br /> The motion carried 7-0. File 8505 <br /> d. Resolution authorizing the City's Acquisition of 19.9 acres of land owned by Turtle Creek Development <br /> LLC for the NorthStar Project. Councilor Newnham moved to adopt the Resolution, and Councilor <br /> Spreitzer seconded. The motion carried 7-0. File 8505 <br /> e. Resolution authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Approximately $8,645,000 in General Obligation <br /> Refunding Bonds, Series 2011. Finance and Administrative Services Director Paul York explained that <br /> the Resolution was amended to include bonds from the 2004 issuance for a total of $11,080,000 in bonds, <br /> which were sold this morning on the open market. He indicated that the sale of these refunding bonds <br /> would save the City almost $900,000 in interest payments and debt service over the life of the bonds. <br /> Dawn Gunderson of Ehlers, Inc. indicated that JP Morgan Chase of Milwaukee has purchased the bonds <br /> and will hold them in their investment portfolio. She also indicated that the City has retained its A+ bond <br /> rating from Standard & Poors. Councilor De Forest moved to adopt the Resolution, and Councilor <br /> Newnham seconded. A roll call vote was called with Councilors De Forest, Haynes, Van De Bogart, Leavy, <br /> Luebke, Newnham, and Spreitzer voting in favor of the Resolution. File 8463 <br /> 11. At 7:40 p.m. Councilor De Forest moved to adjourn the meeting, second by Coun ilor Luebke. The motion <br /> carried 7-0. <br /> Rebecc S. Houseman City Clerk <br /> <br /> Date approved by Council: 10-03-11 <br />