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b. The resolution approving Fuller's Woods Condominiums Addendum No.1 for properties located <br /> on the 2700 block of East Ridge Road was adopted. File 8025 <br /> c. The application for a Zoning Map Amendment to change the Zoning District Classification from <br /> PUD, Planned Unit Development District, to R -1A, Single- family Residential District, for properties <br /> located at 1907 and 2000 Aspen Drive and 1907, 2000, and 2001 Dell Drive was referred to the <br /> Plan Commission. File 8517 <br /> d. The application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow an outdoor seating area and the outdoor <br /> sales, possession, and consumption of alcohol in a C -3, Community Commercial District, for the <br /> property located at 65 Portland Avenue, was referred to the Plan Commission. File 8446/8497 <br /> e. Director of Parks and Leisure Services Brian Ramsey presented a resolution supporting the Rock <br /> River Trail Initiative. Greg Farnham, Coordinator of the Rock River Trail Initiative, spoke <br /> regarding the public - private partnership to establish this trail. Councilor Haynes moved to adopt <br /> the resolution, and Councilor Newnham seconded. The motion carried 7 -0. File 8518 <br /> f. Assistant to the City Manager Beth Jacobsen presented a resolution concurring with the City <br /> Manager's Decision to Authorize the City of Beloit to Apply for and Enter into a Grant Agreement <br /> for the Hydrogen Fuel Use In Municipal Fleets Grant through the Wisconsin State Energy <br /> Office. Councilor Luebke moved to adopt the resolution, and Councilor De Forest seconded. The <br /> motion carried 7 -0. File 8519 <br /> 7. ORDINANCES <br /> a. Assistant City Attorney Elizabeth Krueger presented a proposed Ordinance to repeal and <br /> recreate Section 15.07(1), to create Section 15.07 (1g), and to amend Sections 15.01 and 15.30 <br /> of the Code of General Ordinance of the City of Beloit pertaining to Dangerous Weapons in City <br /> Buildings. A first reading of the Ordinance was given. Councilor Van De Bogart inquired about <br /> enforcement and liability, and Attorney Krueger indicated that dangerous weapons and firearms <br /> are currently prohibited in City facilities and that the City has other types of immunity from liability <br /> associated with this decision. Councilor Haynes said he thought the definition of dangerous <br /> weapons was too broad, and Attorney Krueger indicated that the definition used in the Ordinance <br /> is from the State Statutes. Councilor Newnham asked if the term "locations" was too broad, and <br /> Attorney Krueger responded that the Ordinance also includes a list of the specific buildings where <br /> carrying concealed weapons would be prohibited. Councilor Haynes voted to lay this item over for <br /> a second reading, and Councilor Luebke seconded. The motion carried 7 -0. File 6255 <br /> 8. APPOINTMENTS — none <br /> 9. COUNCILOR ACTIVITIES AND UPCOMING EVENTS <br /> a. Councilor Spreitzer indicated that he has spent a substantial amount of timer working through the <br /> 2012 budget document and was very excited to get one last paddle trip in on the River this <br /> season. <br /> b. Councilor Newnham said that it has been a long budget process and thanked staff, citizens, and <br /> councilors for their efforts to minimize the negative impacts on residents. <br /> c. Councilor Luebke congratulated City Manager Larry Arft on his election to a leadership position <br /> with the Wisconsin League of Municipalities. <br /> d. Councilor Haynes indicated that he hopes to hear from the public regarding the proposed <br /> concealed carry ordinance for City buildings. <br /> 10. CITY MANAGER'S PRESENTATION <br /> a. Finance and Administrative Services Director Paul York presented a resolution authorizing the <br /> Issuance and Sale of Approximately $4,280,000 Taxable General Obligation Refunding <br /> Bonds, Series 2011B. Dawn Gunderson, Ehlers and Associates, explained the process and the <br /> results of the sale of these bonds on the open market. Councilor Newnham moved to adopt the <br /> resolution, and Councilor Luebke seconded. The motion carried through a roll call vote 7 -0. <br /> File 8463 <br />