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opposition. On the merits, the Council voted 4 -2 to enact the Ordinance with Councilors Van De <br /> Bogart and Haynes voting in opposition. File 6255 Ordinance 3455 <br /> 8. APPOINTMENTS <br /> President Leavy announced openings and submitted the following appointments to the City <br /> Committees, Boards, and Commissions for approval. The appointed were approved on a motion by <br /> Councilor Van De Bogart and a second by Councilor Luebke. The motion carried 6 -0. <br /> a. Alcohol Beverage License Control Committee: Tina Goecks for the 2011 -2012 school year. <br /> File 6145 <br /> b. Park, Recreation & Conservation Advisory Commission: Michael K. McNulty for a term <br /> ending September 30, 2014. File 6180 <br /> c. Police and Fire Commission: Timmy Link for a term ending April 30, 2013. File 6114 <br /> 9. COUNCILOR ACTIVITIES AND UPCOMING EVENTS <br /> a. Councilor De Forest said that she enjoyed the Veterans' Day program at Grinnell Center and <br /> thanked John Powers to providing a meal for veterans on Veterans' Day. <br /> b. Councilor Spreitzer said he enjoyed attending the Stateline Community Foundation annual dinner <br /> and event. <br /> c. Councilor Luebke said that he was honored to represent the City Council at the 92 NAACP <br /> event and thanked the members of the high school AP History class for attending the Council <br /> meeting. <br /> d. Councilor Van de Bogart said that the Stateline Community Foundation annual dinner was great, <br /> and he encouraged people to attend the holiday parade on the Friday after Thanksgiving. <br /> e. President Leavy thanked the students who attended the meeting and said that debate is <br /> important and disagreeing is acceptable as long as you are not disagreeable. <br /> 10. CITY MANAGER'S PRESENTATION <br /> a. The Snow Removal Program Presentation was postponed until the December 5, 2011 Council <br /> meeting by the City Manager due to time constraints. Councilor Van De Bogart presented a <br /> Proclamation recognizing November 21, 2011 as Snow Plow Drivers Appreciation Day and <br /> presented it to Street Operations Supervisor Bruce Slagoski on behalf of the Council. Mr. <br /> Slagoski thanked the Council and said that the crew takes ownership and pride in what they do <br /> and are impressed that the Governor and the City are paying attention. File 7148 <br /> 11. REPORTS FROM BOARDS AND CITY OFFICERS — none <br /> 12. At 9:05 p.m. Councilor De Forest moved to adjourn the meeting, and Councilor Spreitzer seconded. <br /> The motion carried 6 -0. <br /> fitZ doe <br /> Rebecca S. Ho e in, City Clerk <br /> t <br /> Date approved by Council: 12 -05 -11 <br />