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jOITn <br /> PROCEEDINGS OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE <br /> BELOIT CITY COUNCIL AND TOWN OF TURTLE BOARD <br /> Beloit Public Library Community Room, 605 Eclipse Blvd., Beloit,WI 53511 <br /> Tuesday, November 27, 2012 <br /> Beloit City Council Present: Sheila De Forest, Charles M. Haynes, Chuck Kincaid, Kevin D. Leavy(arrived <br /> at 6:48 p.m.), David F. Luebke, Mark Spreitzer, and James E. Van De Bogart <br /> Town of Turtle Board Present: Roger Anclam, Dave Bomkamp, William Brewer, Tim Kopp, and Ron Splan <br /> 1. The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. by the Beloit City Council and the Town of Turtle Board. <br /> 2. The Beloit City Council and the Town of Turtle Board introduced themselves to the public and to each <br /> other. <br /> 3. Town of Turtle Chairperson Roger Anclam led a discussion about the possibility of collaboration and joint <br /> service delivery. He listed several projects from which the City and the Town could benefit from <br /> collaboration including 208 water quality issues,joint development, and future growth. He said that the fire <br /> departments are working well together now and that continuing to develop a relationship between the City <br /> and the Town is very important. Council President Charles Haynes said that they need to be neighborly <br /> and act in the best interest of everyone in the greater community regardless of boundaries. He said that <br /> there has been distrust between the Council and the Board in the past but that success is likely and would <br /> benefit both parties. Councilor Luebke thanked everyone for attending and said that they should work <br /> together because it is in the best interest of the taxpayers. Councilor De Forest said that she is grateful for <br /> the meeting and excited to start an open dialogue about the needs of the City and the Town. Supervisor <br /> Kopp said that he has become more optimistic about collaboration since they started meeting and that this <br /> is a good opportunity to get something positive done. Councilor Spreitzer said that he is looking forward to <br /> learning more about the Town and finding a path to move forward as neighbors. Councilor Kincaid said <br /> that he is looking forward to developing specific projects where the groups can work together including the <br /> 208 plan and future development. <br /> 4. Beloit City Manager Larry Arft said that there may be a meeting before Christmas to start discussing the <br /> boundary agreement between the two jurisdictions. He said that the teams will look at the large strategic <br /> issues first independently and then have another joint meeting in closed session to negotiate. He said that <br /> open sessions with dialogue and citizen participation will also occur. Councilor Haynes said that it is <br /> important to retain a vital base of agriculture in the Town as it is integral to our mutual needs and <br /> identities. Chairperson Anclam said that farmland preservation is very important to the Town residents and <br /> that he hopes to be re-elected in the spring to continue these efforts. Supervisor Kopp said that he would <br /> like to see a mechanism in the new agreement for the City and Town to meet periodically to discuss what <br /> is and is not working in the agreement. Mr. Arft indicated that staff would be outlining the strategic issues <br /> and putting together maps of the area before the next meeting which may occur in December. <br /> 5. Supervisor Splan made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and Chairperson Anclam seconded. The motion <br /> carried, and the meeting adjourned at 7:22 p.m. <br /> • --- <br /> Rebecc7 S. Housenian, City Clerk <br /> <br /> Date approved by Council: 12-17-12 <br />