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first step is to draw attention to these issues. Councilor Spreitzer thanked Ms. Downing for <br /> providing the report and asked if we should update our ordinance to include all of the protected <br /> classes that the state includes. Councilor Newnham thanked Ms. Downing and commended the <br /> work of the Community Development Authority. Councilor De Forest asked about the language <br /> barrier that can be an impediment to fair housing, and Ms. Downing said that there are a handful <br /> of bi-lingual City employees who assist in communication. Ms. Downing also mentioned that the <br /> Latino Service Providers organization assists individuals with applications, and the City assists in <br /> funding through CDBG. <br /> 11. REPORTS FROM BOARDS AND CITY OFFICERS <br /> a. Mr. Flesch presented a resolution approving Farm Leases between the City of Beloit and Joe <br /> and Erica Rebout Farms. He said that an alternate proposal was also received, which included a <br /> zero-sum transaction with a different farmer for bailing the hay and leaving the land vacant. <br /> Councilor Spreitzer made a motion to adopt the resolution, and Councilor Haynes seconded. <br /> Councilor De Forest made a motion to lay the item over until April 16th and request input from the <br /> neighbors about the agricultural use of the property, and Councilor Spreitzer seconded. Councilor <br /> Van De Bogart said that it is a good idea to lay this item over because it has not been farmed for <br /> many years and the residents may disprove of the land use. Councilor Newnham agreed that it is <br /> better to get input from the neighborhood before moving forward. Mr. Flesch indicated that he <br /> would mail a notice to the adjacent property owners requesting input regarding the proposed <br /> change of use of the property. The motion carried to lay this item over until April 16t 7-0. <br /> File 7834 <br /> 12. At 8:25 p.m., Councilor De Forest moved to adjourn the meeting, and Councilor Haynes seconded. <br /> The motion carried 7-0. <br /> Reb ca S. Hou eman, City Clerk <br /> <br /> Date approved by Council: 04-16-12 <br />