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b. Ms. Christensen presented a resolution accepting Jeffery J. Jacobson's Offer to Purchase Lots <br /> 291 & 292 of Poff's Fourth Sun Valley in the City of Beloit. She indicated that the City has made <br /> several efforts to encourage private development of the property in the past, but the tax credits for <br /> these projects were not approved. Ms. Christensen said that staff recommends the Council <br /> accept the offer of$2,000 to purchase the two vacant lots. Councilor Luebke made a motion to <br /> adopt the resolution, and Councilor De Forest seconded. Councilor De Forest asked if the City is <br /> currently marketing this property to adjacent land owners, and Ms. Christensen said that the City <br /> is not but that neighbors may hear about this transaction and make additional offers. The motion <br /> carried 7-0. File 6667 <br /> c. Finance and Administrative Services Director Paul York presented an Initial Resolution <br /> authorizing General Obligation Bonds in an amount not to exceed $2,315,000 for Street <br /> Improvement Projects. Mike Harrigan, Ehlers and Associates, summarized the pre-sale report <br /> and said that the number of resolutions is required because Wisconsin Statutes require a <br /> separate resolution for each intended purpose for borrowing. He said that the City will conduct <br /> this as a competitive sale, offering underwriters throughout the nation the opportunity to purchase <br /> the bonds. Councilor Luebke made a motion to adopt the resolution, and Councilor Leavy <br /> seconded. The motion carried 7-0 by roll call vote. File 8514 <br /> d. Mr. York presented the Initial Resolution authorizing General Obligation Bonds in an amount <br /> not to exceed $345,000 for Park and Public Grounds Projects. Councilor Leavy made a motion to <br /> adopt the resolution, and Councilor Spreitzer seconded. The motion carried 7-0 by roll call vote. <br /> File 8514 <br /> e. Mr. York presented the Initial Resolution authorizing General Obligation Bonds in an amount <br /> not to exceed $895,000 for Fire Department Equipment. Councilor De Forest made a motion to <br /> adopt the resolution, and Councilor Luebke seconded. The motion carried 7-0 by roll call vote. <br /> File 8514 <br /> f. Mr. York presented the Initial Resolution authorizing not to exceed $3,820,000 General <br /> Obligation Refunding Bonds. Councilor Kincaid made a motion to adopt the resolution, and <br /> Councilor De Forest seconded. The motion carried 7-0 by roll call vote. File 8514 <br /> g. Mr. York presented a resolution directing Publication of Notice to Electors relating to Bond <br /> Issues. Councilor Leavy made a motion to adopt the resolution, and Councilor Luebke seconded. <br /> The motion carried 7-0 by roll call vote. File 8514 <br /> h. Mr. York presented a resolution providing for the Sale of not to exceed $7,375,000 General <br /> Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 2012A. Councilor Leavy made a motion to adopt the <br /> resolution, and Councilor Spreitzer seconded. The motion carried 7-0 by roll call vote. File 8514 <br /> i. Mr. York presented an Initial Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Lease Revenue Bonds of <br /> the Community Development Authority of the City of Beloit, Series 2012. Mr. Harrigan added <br /> that this is a revenue bond, which will be paid back through revenue in TID#5, not by property <br /> taxes. Councilor Van De Bogart made a motion to adopt the resolution, contingent on the <br /> approval of the Community Development Authority. Councilor Luebke seconded, and the motion <br /> carried 7-0 by roll call vote. File 6924/8514 <br /> j. City Manager Larry Arft presented a resolution approving the Agreement between the City of <br /> Beloit and Wisconsin Professional Police Association — Law Enforcement Employee Relations <br /> Division (WPPA-LEER). Manager Arft explained that the pension contribution and the salary <br /> increases, as well as the other portions of the agreement, are similar in number, scope, and <br /> economic impacts of that of the Fire Union's Agreement. Councilor Luebke made a motion to <br /> adopt the resolution, and Councilor Leavy seconded. Councilor Van De Bogart pointed out that <br /> any new hires in the police department will be contributing 5.9 percent of their salary to the <br /> Wisconsin Retirement System from their date of hire. The motion carried 7-0. File 6065 <br /> 12. At 8:37 p.m., Councilor Leavy made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and Councilor Luebke <br /> seconded. The motion carried 7-0. <br /> ,i <br /> Reb- ca S. Hous: an, ity Clerk <br /> <br /> Date approved by Council: 05-21-12 <br />