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Councilor Spreitzer made a motion to enact the ordinance based on its merits, and Councilor De <br /> Forest seconded. Councilor Van De Bogart indicated that this law amounts to an unfunded <br /> mandate from the state. The motion carried 6-0. File 8527 Ordinance 3466 <br /> 8. APPOINTMENTS— none <br /> 9. COUNCILOR ACTIVITIES AND UPCOMING EVENTS <br /> a. Councilor De Forest said that she served lunch at the appreciation picnic for the public works <br /> employees who assisted with recent storm clean-up efforts, and she publicly thanked those who <br /> assisted. She also said that she enjoyed the Latino Community Fair at Riverside Park and <br /> commended Nicki Meyers and Visit Beloit for reaching out to all of Beloit's communities. <br /> b. Councilor Van De Bogart said the he attended several block parties in celebration of National <br /> Night Out and the public works picnic to thank those employees who assisted with storm clean- <br /> up. <br /> c. Councilor Luebke said that he was honored to go to the National Night Out picnics and the Latino <br /> Fair. <br /> d. Councilor Haynes said he enjoyed attending the public works appreciation picnic and serving <br /> sauerkraut. <br /> 10. CITY MANAGER'S PRESENTATION <br /> a. Director of Water Resources Harry Mathos provided a presentation on Infiltration and Inflow into <br /> the Sanitary Sewers. Councilor De Forest thanked Mr. Mathos for a wonderful presentation, and <br /> said that she is pleased with the positive results of the investment for television equipment to view <br /> the sewer system. Councilor Van De Bogart thanked the water resources division for their efforts <br /> to reduce energy usage. Councilor Spreitzer thanked the water resources employees for their <br /> pro-active approach to dealing with phosphorous. Councilors Luebke and Haynes also thanked <br /> Mr. Mathos and his staff for their hard work and professionalism. <br /> 11. REPORTS FROM BOARDS AND CITY OFFICERS <br /> a. Police Chief Norm Jacobs presented a resolution authorizing the City of Beloit to partner with the <br /> City of Janesville and Rock County through a Regional Memorandum of Understanding to <br /> purchase a Rescue Vehicle for the Purposes of Law Enforcement, amending the 2012 Budget, <br /> and Appropriating Funds necessary for Procurement of the Equipment. Police Chief Jacobs <br /> explained that the vehicle will be funded by confiscated dollars received from local crime and not <br /> general tax dollars. Councilor Luebke made a motion to adopt the resolution, and De Forest <br /> seconded. Councilor Van De Bogart asked how the maintenance of this vehicle will impact the <br /> Police Department's budget, and Chief Jacobs said that confiscated funds will also be used for <br /> maintenance. He said that the vehicle will be used for training between the three jurisdictions <br /> often, and it adds another layer of protection for the police and citizens. The motion carried 6-0. <br /> File 8514/8564 <br /> b. Attorney Casper presented a resolution approving Joint Agreement with School District of <br /> Beloit for the Truancy Intervention Coordinator. Mr. Casper said that this agreement is a renewal <br /> and that there has been a great benefit to allowing the truancy intervention coordinator to work <br /> year-round. Councilor Luebke made a motion to adopt the resolution, and Councilor Van De <br /> Bogart seconded. Councilor De Forest said that she is pleased to see this collaboration between <br /> the School District of Beloit and the City of Beloit. The motion carried 6-0. File 8565 <br /> c. City Manager Larry Arft presented a resolution approving Commercial Offer to Purchase for the <br /> property at 232 Shirland Avenue. He indicated that staff recommends the City purchase the <br /> property for$75,000 plus $5,000 for relocation expenses, demolish the building, and clean the <br /> site to showcase the future Confluence Park in South Beloit, Illinois. Mr. Arft said that revenue <br /> from Tax Increment District#5 may be used to purchase the property, not general tax dollars. <br /> Councilor Luebke made a motion to adopt the resolution, and Councilor De Forest seconded. <br /> Councilor Van De Bogart said that the site is currently an eyesore but that he will vote against the <br /> resolution because the purchase price is too expensive. The motion carried 5-1, with Councilor <br /> Van De Bogart voting in opposition. File 8345 <br />