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d. City Engineer Mike Flesch presented a resolution supporting the Construction of Inman <br /> Parkway Extension Alternative for the CTH G Connector. Mr. Flesch indicated that three options <br /> have been presented for this project, and staff supports the construction of Inman Parkway. He <br /> also noted that this corridor has been officially mapped since the 1970s. Councilor Van De Bogart <br /> made a motion to adopt the resolution, and Councilor Luebke seconded. Mr. Flesch said that <br /> there would be a public meeting on Monday, August 27th at Aldrich Middle School to gather <br /> resident input. Councilor De Forest asked if, after the road is built, the City could or would attempt <br /> to annex any property from Turtle Township, and Mr. Arft indicated that the City and the Town <br /> have a Cooperative Boundary Agreement in place for about 10 more years that prohibits <br /> annexations in this area that are not mutually agreed upon. Mr. Flesch said that the road may be <br /> constructed to provide access, not support development. The motion carried 6-0. File 8558 <br /> e. Finance and Administrative Services Director Paul York presented a resolution awarding <br /> Classification and Compensation Study and Pay Plan Development Contract to McGrath <br /> Human Resource Group. Mr. York explained that the current pay plan has been in place since the <br /> late 1990s and only includes the City's non-represented employees. He said because of changes <br /> to state laws, many of the formerly union employees will be integrated into the non-union pay <br /> plan. He said that four companies bid on this contract, and an employee committee interviewed <br /> them all. Councilor Spreitzer made a motion to adopt the resolution, and Councilor Luebke <br /> seconded. Councilor Van De Bogart inquired about the vast difference in bids for the contract, <br /> and Dr. McGrath said that she bid low in order to obtain the contract and has 10-12 years of <br /> experience in the field. The motion carried 6-0. File 8566 <br /> f. Mr. York presented a resolution authorizing an Agreement with Beloit College for the Operation <br /> of the City's Public, Educational and Governmental Cable Television Access Channel and Studio. <br /> He said that the City has contracted with Beloit College for a number of years to tape and air the <br /> City Council meetings, maintain a television station, and operate a cable access studio. He said <br /> that this agreement will renew the current agreement for five years. Councilor De Forest made a <br /> motion to adopt the resolution, and Councilor Luebke seconded. The motion carried 5-0-1, with <br /> Councilor Spreitzer abstaining. File 6372 <br /> 12. At 8:50 p.m., Councilor De Forest made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and Councilor Kincaid <br /> seconded. The motion carried 6-0. <br /> c' <br /> Rebecca .. Housema , ' it Clerk <br /> <br /> Date approved by Council: 09-04-12 <br />