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e. The resolution awarding Public Works Contract C12-01, New HVAC for Beloit Transit, was <br /> adopted. File 8575 <br /> f. The resolution authorizing Final Payment of Public Works Contract C12-08, Sidewalk <br /> Maintenance, was adopted. File 8546 <br /> 7. LICENSES <br /> a. Ms. <br /> Houseman presented a resolution approving a Class "B" Beer License for Mexico <br /> Dominicana, LLC, located at 854 Henry Avenue. It was noted that the ABLCC recommended <br /> denial 6-0. Councilor Van De Bogart made a motion to adopt the resolution, and Councilor <br /> Spreitzer seconded. Councilor Van De Bogart indicated that he would like to see the <br /> recommendation of the ABLCC followed. Councilor Leavy, who is the Council Representative on <br /> the ABLCC, said that this item was on the committee's agenda twice. He said the first time, the <br /> ABLCC asked the Police Department to conduct a more comprehensive survey of the <br /> neighborhood. He said that while the majority of the neighborhood did not have a problem with <br /> this license, Rory Owens, of the Merrill Revitalization Group (MRG), spoke in opposition to the <br /> license based on the past and present efforts of the MRG to remove alcohol sales from the <br /> neighborhood. Councilor Leavy also said that there are only four tables in the restaurant and that <br /> the applicant could not prove that a lack of the license would impact the business financially. The <br /> motion failed 0-7. File 8542 <br /> 8. ORDINANCES <br /> a. City Manager Larry Arft presented a proposed Ordinance to amend Section 1.04 of the Code of <br /> General Ordinance of the City of Beloit relating to residency requirements of certain city <br /> employees. He indicated that this ordinance amends the resident requirements to allow the City <br /> Manager to grant a hardship waiver to those administrative division directors who have a <br /> hardship that does not allow residency. Councilor Spreitzer made a motion to suspend the rules <br /> for a second reading. Councilor Luebke seconded, and the motion carried 7-0. Councilor Leavy <br /> said that he is concerned that the lower level administrative positions are required to live in the <br /> City at all and that he does not want to tie the hands of managers when recruiting for these <br /> positions. He said that if the goal is to hire the most-qualified candidate, then residency should <br /> not matter. Councilor De Forest said that she disagrees and thinks that all employees should live <br /> in the City. She said that she is uncomfortable with the hardship language and that she does not <br /> think that there are many reasons why someone would not live here. Councilor Spreitzer said that <br /> the Council needs to recognize the complexities of the society in which we live. He said that this <br /> is a discretionary issue and that the Council would be able to monitor the implementation. He said <br /> that he supports the ordinance amendment. Councilor Van De Bogart said that people are <br /> becoming more not less mobile and that the skill level for these positions are such that the City <br /> may not find residents to fill them. He said that this ordinance gives the City Manager a great deal <br /> of discretion and wants the Council to provide some sort of oversight. He said that he prefers that <br /> these employees live in the City but that he understands that hardships may exist. Councilor <br /> Haynes said that society is changing and requires an evolution of thought on this matter and that <br /> this ordinance represents a compromise. Councilor Leavy made a motion to amend the ordinance <br /> to remove the administrative division head positions in Section 3 from the ordinance. Councilor <br /> Kincaid seconded. The motion failed 2-5, with Councilors Leavy and Kincaid voting in favor. <br /> Councilor Luebke made a motion to enact the ordinance as presented, and Councilor Spreitzer <br /> seconded. The motion carried 6-1, with Councilor De Forest voting in opposition. File 6543 <br /> Ordinance 3470 <br /> b. Fire Chief Brad Liggett presented a proposed Ordinance to amend Section 6.19 of the Code of <br /> General Ordinances of the City of Beloit as it related to the Fees for Fire Department Services for <br /> a second reading. Councilor Luebke made a motion to enact the ordinance as presented, and <br /> Councilor Kincaid seconded. Councilor Van De Bogart asked what the anticipated increase in <br /> revenue from these fees would be, and Chief Liggett indicated that he expects $28,000 in <br /> additional revenue. The motion carried 6-1, with Councilor Van De Bogart voting in opposition. <br /> File 8169 Ordinance 3471 <br /> 9. APPOINTMENTS <br /> President Haynes announced openings and submitted the following appointment to the City <br /> Committees, Boards, and Commissions for approval. The appointment was approved on a motion by <br /> Councilor Leavy and a second by Councilor Spreitzer. The motion carried 7-0. <br /> a. Municipal Library Board: David Sowl for a term ending June 30, 2015. File 5991 <br />