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10. COUNCILOR ACTIVITIES AND UPCOMING EVENTS <br /> a. Councilor De Forest said that she attended a Golf Advisory Committee meeting and that they <br /> challenged the City Council to play the golf course. She reminded everyone of the upcoming <br /> Holiday Parade and Holidazzle. <br /> b. Councilor Kincaid said that he attended a meeting with representatives from the state and federal <br /> governments regarding the 1-90/39/43 improvement project. He said that he accepts the golf <br /> challenge. <br /> c. Councilor Spreitzer said that he will also accept the challenge but that he has never golfed. He <br /> said that he registered voters on Election Day at a polling place and that he attended a Chamber <br /> of Commerce lunch. <br /> d. Councilor Van De Bogart said that he attended a Department of Transportation meeting and a <br /> stake-holders meeting regarding the 1-90/39/43 improvement project. He thanked the tremendous <br /> number of poll workers for their hard work during this historic election season. He also said that <br /> he served as an election observer during absentee voting in the City Clerk's office. <br /> e. Councilor Luebke said that the Council had a very fruitful meeting with the Town of Beloit and that <br /> the two groups are making progress toward the goal of saving money. <br /> f. Councilor Leavy said that he would drive the golf cart. <br /> g. Councilor Haynes said that he went to the meeting with the DOT and that there will be <br /> opportunities for public participation in the 1-90/39/43 project within the next several months. <br /> 11. CITY MANAGER'S PRESENTATION <br /> a. Public Works Director of Operations Chris Walsh presented a Winter Storm Update. She said <br /> that the goal of the program is to provide safe travel in the City of Beloit by the removal of snow <br /> and ice. She discussed different aspects of the program including education, training, advertising, <br /> weather forecasting, and school visits. Councilor Van De Bogart asked how the construction on <br /> East Grand would impact plowing, and Ms. Walsh said that snow would be pushed to the south <br /> side of the street and traffic would be one-way eastbound. Councilor De Forest thanked her for <br /> the progressive snow removal strategies using organic materials. Councilor Kincaid said that he <br /> is impressed with the efforts to reach school-age kids and inspire them to serve as public works <br /> employees. <br /> 12. REPORTS FROM BOARD AND CITY OFFICERS <br /> a. Assistant to the City Manager Beth Jacobsen presented a resolution approving the 2013 Animal <br /> Control Contract with the Dane County Humane Society and authorizing the execution thereof. <br /> She said that this contract provides a consistent policy on how to handle injured and owned <br /> animals. She said that Dane County has the facility and space to handle these issues. Councilor <br /> Luebke made a motion to adopt the resolution, and Councilor De Forest seconded. Councilor De <br /> Forest asked about the transport of animals between Madison and Beloit, and Ms. Jacobsen said <br /> that the City is working with Janesville and Dane County to make the transportation process as <br /> efficient as possible. Councilor De Forest asked if there will be a temporary holding facility, and <br /> Ms. Jacobsen said that one may have to be established if the Rock County Humane Society does <br /> not take the stray animals, which would be in a different contract. Ms. Jacobsen said that the <br /> Dane County Humane Society adopts out 100 percent of the animals at the shelter that are <br /> adoptable. The motion carried 7-0. File 8576 <br /> b. City Manager Larry Arft presented a resolution regarding Indemnification Agreement for <br /> property located at 202 Shirland Avenue to indemnify Rock County. He said that this is a <br /> brownfield site and that the City would cap it, seed it, and combine it with the adjacent water <br /> resources property. Councilor Van De Bogart made a motion to adopt the resolution, and <br /> Councilor Luebke seconded. The motion carried 7-0. File 8577 <br /> 13. At 8:45 p.m., Councilor Leavy made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and Councilor Luebke <br /> seconded. The motion carried 7-0. <br /> S. o <br /> Rebecca . Houseman, City Clerk <br /> <br /> Date approved by Council: 12-03-12 <br />