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<br /> <br /> back to the Council. Councilor De Forest requested that the project be brought back to the Council <br /> before it is let for bid. President Leavy and Councilors Van De Bogart Haynes indicated that they felt <br /> comfortable with staff working to scale back and rebid the project. Manger Arft indicated that, because of <br /> the divergent viewpoints, staff would work with the Downtown Beloit Association and the designer to scale <br /> back the project and bring it back to the Council before it is bid again. Councilor Haynes moved to adopt <br /> the Resolution and reject all the bids. Councilor Densch seconded, and the motion carried. File 8494 <br /> f. Application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow indoor alcohol sales in a C-2, Neighborhood <br /> Commercial District, for the property located at 412 Liberty Avenue. Community Development Director <br /> Julie Christensen stated that this item is on the April 20th Plan Commission and the May 10th Alcohol <br /> Beverage License Control Committee agendas. The recommendations from these two bodies will come <br /> back to the Council on the May 16th Council agenda. Councilor De Forest asked if the Plan Commission <br /> has access to police records regarding the subject property. Ms. Christensen indicated that they do but <br /> that the data from the police reports is inconsistent. However, she stated that neighbors have indicated <br /> that there has been a positive change in the traffic patterns and other issues since alcohol sales were <br /> removed from this location. Councilor Van De Bogart moved to refer to Plan Commission. Councilor <br /> Johns seconded, and the motion carried. File 8489 <br /> g. Resolution approving Farm Leases between the City of Beloit and Gary and Michelle Hahn. Economic <br /> Development Director Andrew Janke explained that these leases are for two properties and will serve as <br /> one-year extensions of the current leases. He indicated that the lease to farm these properties would be <br /> releases for bids this summer. Councilor Densch moved to adopt the Resolution, and Councilor Johns <br /> seconded. The motion carried. File 7834 <br /> 6. ORDINANCES - none <br /> 7. APPOINTMENTS <br /> President Leavy announced openings and submitted the following appointments to City Committees, Boards, <br /> and Commissions for approval. The appointments were approved on a motion by Councilor De Forest and a <br /> second by Councilor Newnham. The motion carried 6-0 with Councilor Densch abstaining from the vote due <br /> to a conflict of interest. <br /> a. Appointment Review Committee: Kurt Reynolds and Gary L. Gard to terms expiring December 31, <br /> 2013. File 6261 <br /> b. Equal Opportunities and Human Relations Commission: Marilyn M. Ohaegbulem to a term expiring <br /> June 30, 2012. File 7465 <br /> c. Municipal Golf Committee: Gary Sherer, representing the Senior Citizens Golf Club. File 7382 <br /> d. Plan Commission: Incumbent Mardell Jacobsen to a term expiring April 30, 2014. File 6064 <br /> e. Police and Fire Commission: Martin Densch to a term expiring April 30, 2016. File 6114 <br /> f. Traffic Review Committee: Dennis J. Walsh to a term ending September 30, 2012. File 7399 <br /> 8. COUNCILOR ACTIVITIES AND UPCOMING EVENTS <br /> a. Councilor Newnham congratulated all those who ran for City Council during the Spring Election and said <br /> that he looks forward to working those who have been elected. He also said that Councilors Densch and <br /> Johns have served with great honor. <br /> b. Councilor Haynes commended the two incoming councilors for excellent campaigns. He thanked <br /> Councilor Johns and Densch for their input and service on the Council. <br /> c. Councilor De Forest said that she appreciates the residents and staff who participated in the town hall <br /> budget meetings. She said that the Porter Area Watch Group and the Merrill Neighborhood group will be <br /> participating in a clean-up and cook-out in the near future, and those interested may contact Pastor <br /> Sanders of the New Life Church for additional information. She thanked Councilors Densch and Johns <br /> for their service, and commended Councilor Densch for setting the bar for professionalism on the Council. <br /> She also requested a joint meeting between the Janesville and Beloit City Councils to discuss <br /> opportunities for shared or joint service provision. <br /> d. Councilor Van De Bogart congratulated Councilors Densch and Johns and said that the City is better for <br /> their service and efforts. He also thanked those who participated in the preliminary budget input meetings. <br /> e. President Leavy thanked Grants Administrator Teri Downing for her efforts regarding the recent mock <br /> hearings and EHORC training for members and the public. He congratulated Director of Operations Chris <br /> Walsh on being named one of the nation's Top Ten Public Works Leaders of the Year by the American <br /> Page 2 of 3 <br />