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<br /> <br /> power in the Public Noticed mailed to the property owners in the area gives the Council legislative authority <br /> to act to extend utilities in the area. Councilor Luebke indicated that this is a health issue, and if something <br /> is not done, he would be concerned about contamination of the wells in the area. Councilor Spreitzer <br /> indicated that he had attended previous public meetings regarding this project and that it is informative to <br /> hear from the residents. File 8470 <br /> 4. CITIZENS' PARTICIPATION <br /> <br /> Deloyde Sanders, 1400 Harvey Avenue, thanked Councilors De Forest, Luebke, and Spreitzer for <br /> participating in the clean-up efforts of the Porter Area Watch Group (PAWG). He invited the Councilors <br /> and the public to be a part of the Spring Carnival on Porter Avenue on May 14th at 12:00 pm. He said that <br /> there has been some crime in the Merrill neighborhood this past year, and people have been afraid to call <br /> the police. He said that, through PAWG, residents have been able to better their relationships with the <br /> Police Department and enhance the safety of the neighborhood. He also invited people to attend a <br /> meeting on May 9th at 6:00 p.m. at New Life Ministries to discuss the Spring Carnival. <br /> 5. CONSENT AGENDA <br /> Councilor Newnham requested that item b. be removed from the Consent Agenda. Councilor Newnham moved <br /> to adopt, Councilor Luebke seconded, and the motion carried that the following items from the Consent Agenda <br /> be accepted, approved, adopted, or referred and acted upon as required by state and local codes except item <br /> 5.b. <br /> a. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 18 and Reorganizational Meeting of April 19, 2011 were approved. <br /> c. Application for a Class A Beer and Liquor License for Dollar General located at 1520 Madison Road was <br /> referred to ABLCC. File 8497 <br /> d. Application for a Class A Beer and Liquor License for Dollar General located at 2240 Prairie Avenue was <br /> referred to ABLCC. File 8497 <br /> e. Application for a Class "A" Beer and "Class A" Liquor License for Prairie Beverage Mart located at <br /> 2705 Prairie Avenue was referred to ABLCC. File 8497 <br /> f. Application for a Class "B" Beer and "Class C" Wine License for Atlanta Bread Beloit LLC, d/b/a Atlanta <br /> Bread Beloit located at 2747 Milwaukee Road was referred to ABLCC. File 8497 <br /> g. Application for a Class "B" Beer and "Class B" Liquor License for HRNS V Entertainment, d/b/a La <br /> Movida located at 1310 Cranston Road was referred to ABLCC. File 8497 <br /> h. Application for a Class "A" Beer and "Class A" Liquor License for Akshar Brahma Inc., d/b/a Tobacco <br /> Shack located at 1212 Cranston Road was referred to ABLCC. File 8497 <br /> i. Application for a Class "B" Beer and "Class C" Wine License for El Rancho Restaurant LLC, d/b/a El <br /> Rancho Restaurant located at 2648 Prairie Avenue was referred to ABLCC. File 8497 <br /> j. Resolution authorizing Final Payment of Public Works Contract C09-24 Water Street, Shirland Avenue, <br /> and City Hall Parking Lot Reconstruction was adopted. File 7987 <br /> k. Application for a Planned Unit Development - Master Land Use Plan for the properties located at 220 <br /> Portland Avenue and 840 Fifth Street was referred to Plan Commission. File 8493 <br /> 1. Application for a Zoning Map Amendment for the properties located at 220 Portland Avenue and 840 Fifth <br /> Street was referred to Plan Commission. File 8493 <br /> b. Councilor Van De Bogart moved to refer the applications for Renewal Alcohol Beverage Licenses for <br /> License Period July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012 to ABLCC. Councilor Haynes seconded, and the motion carried <br /> 6-0-1 with Councilor Newnham abstaining. File 8497 <br /> 6. ORDINANCES <br /> a. City Manager Larry After presented an Ordinance to Amend Sections 27.16, 29.045(3), 33.01, 33.08(2)(f), <br /> 33.08(3)(0 and 33.08(7)(0 and to Create Section 33.08(9) of the Code of General Ordinances of the City of <br /> Beloit Pertaining to the Deferral of Special Assessments for Water and Sewer Mains. Mr. Arft explained <br /> that the purpose of the Ordinance is to allow for the deferral of special assessments for residential <br /> neighborhoods until such time that the resident or subdivider hooks into the City's water and sewer <br /> systems. Councilor Haynes moved to suspend the rules to allow for a first and second reading of this <br /> Ordinance. Councilor De Forest seconded, and the motion carried. Councilor De Forest moved to enact <br /> the Ordinance. Councilor Haynes seconded, and the motion carried.. File 8495 Ordinance No. 3441 <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br />