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<br /> <br /> 7. APPOINTMENTS <br /> <br /> a. President Leavy nominated the following Council Members as representatives to City Boards, <br /> Committees, and Commissions for the 2011-2012 year: <br /> <br /> Alcohol Beverage License Control Committee Luebke <br /> Appointment Review Committee Leavy and Van De Bogart <br /> Business Improvement District (Downtown Beloit) Van De Bogart <br /> Community Action Agency Inc. of Rock/Walworth Counties De Forest <br /> Community Development Authority Luebke and Van De Bogart <br /> Convention and Visitors Bureau Board of Directors Leavy <br /> Disabled Parking Enforcement Assistance Council Newnham <br /> Equal Opportunities and Human Relations Commission Spreitzer <br /> Landmarks Commission Haynes <br /> Metropolitan Planning Organization Haynes <br /> Park, Recreation and Conservation Advisory Commission De Forest <br /> Plan Commission Spreitzer <br /> Traffic Review Committee Newnham <br /> 8. COUNCILOR ACTIVITIES AND UPCOMING EVENTS <br /> a. Councilor De Forest congratulated the winners of the Significant Industrial Users presented at the annual <br /> business meeting and awards ceremony; Director of Operations Chris Walsh on being named one the <br /> nation's Top Ten Public Works Leaders of the Year; Michelle Gavin and Transit staff on their safety award; <br /> and John Kalkirtz on the success of the Senior Center's Hee Haw Show. She also thanked the residents <br /> who invest their trust in her. <br /> b. Councilor Van De Bogart said that he enjoyed cleaning up gravestones from veterans of WW1 and the <br /> Spanish-American War with the VFW and the American Legion and participating in the Arbor Day <br /> celebration. <br /> c. Councilor Spreitzer said that he participated in the state-wide recount at Rock County last week; the PAWG <br /> walk and neighborhood clean-up; the Community Potluck at Horace White Park; and will attend a workshop <br /> by the League of Wisconsin Municipalities. <br /> d. Councilor Newnham said the he felt a sense of pride after the wonderful announcement the previous night. <br /> e. President Leavy welcomed Councilors Luebke and Spreitzer to the Council. <br /> 9. CITY MANAGER'S PRESENTATION- none <br /> 10. REPORTS FROM BOARDS AND CITY OFFICERS <br /> a. Resolution authorizing Sanitary Sewer and Water System Improvements and Levying Special <br /> Assessments Against Benefited Property. Public Works Director Dave Botts described the project and <br /> the estimated cost per property that will benefits from the water and sewer system improvements. <br /> Councilor Van De Bogart said that the City has done as much as it can to meet the needs of those who do <br /> and do not want to hook into the water and sewer systems at this time. Councilor DeForest moved to <br /> amend the Resolution to reduce the interest rate from 5.75 percent to the State Trust Fund loan rate, and <br /> Councilor Newnham seconded. The motion to amend the Resolution passed 7-0. Councilor Newnham <br /> asked if there are any state or federal grants available to assist those who cannot afford the pay for the <br /> water and sewer system, and Manager Arft stated that there are none. Councilor Spreitzer said that he <br /> was happy that the residents will be allowed to defer the cost of the special assessment until they hook into <br /> the system and that the residents will be provided better fire protection. Councilor Haynes moved to adopt <br /> the amended Resolution on its merits, and Councilor Van De Bogart seconded. The motion carried 6-1 <br /> with De Forest voting in opposition. File 8470 <br /> b. Resolution approving a Relocation Order to acquire a Construction Access and Utility Easement over <br /> portions of the Properties located at 2555 White Oaks Drive and 2536 & 2542 Hawthorne Drive to allow for <br /> the Extension of Gravity Sanitary Sewer and Potable Water to Twelve (12) Properties on Hawthorne Drive. <br /> It was noted that the Plan Commission recommendation for approval 6-0. Mr. Botts said that this <br /> Relocation Order is necessary to obtain temporary construction easements for construction of the sewer <br /> and water system improvements. Councilor Haynes moved to adopt the Resolution, and Councilor Luebke <br /> seconded. The motion carried 6-1 with De Forest voting in opposition. File 8470 <br /> Page 3 of 4 <br />