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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> b. Councilor Spreitzer said that National Night Out was a great experience, and he is looking forward to more <br /> local events including the Latino Fair and the annual Send Your Legislators Down the River. <br /> c. Councilor Van De Bogart said he attended the Chamber event with the Senators and is hopeful that more <br /> bipartisanship will be shown at the State level. <br /> 9. CITY MANAGER'S PRESENTATION - none <br /> <br /> 10. REPORTS FROM BOARDS AND CITY OFFICERS <br /> <br /> a. Resolution approving Public Works Mutual Assistance Agreement. City Manager Larry Arft presented <br /> the mutual aid agreement created by the Wisconsin Public Works Association, which allows aid between <br /> public works departments throughout Wisconsin during an emergency situation. Councilor Van De Bogart <br /> asked how many jurisdictions are participating in this agreement, and Mr. Arft indicated that APWA <br /> envisions this as a statewide mutual assistance project. Councilor Luekbe moved to adopt the resolution, <br /> and Councilor Spreitzer seconded. Councilor Van De Bogart said that it is good to cooperate by sharing <br /> services and resources during a crisis, but it is also very important to cooperate when there is not a crisis to <br /> find better and cheaper ways to provide services. The motion carried 5-0. File 8510 <br /> b. Resolution awarding Contract C11-25, Renewable Energy Systems. Assistant to the City Manager Beth <br /> Jacobsen explained several renewable energy projects that have been reviewed based on the <br /> recommendations during the energy audit performed on the City's facilities last winter. She said that the <br /> Council encouraged staff to pursue two projects: solar energy at City Hall and solar hot water-heating <br /> project at Fire Station 1. She indicated the City Hall project was ready to move forward and recommended <br /> approval of the bid received; however, the Fire Station project proved too expensive. Councilor Van De <br /> Bogart asked how the project would be funded, and Ms. Jacobsen explained that the project will be funded <br /> through a grant, previously-borrowed money for energy-efficiency projects, and capital funds from the 2011 <br /> budget. She also stated that, if the project is approved, she will look for additional grant funds from Focus <br /> on Energy and other sources. Councilor Van De Bogart asked if this is a demonstration project, and Ms. <br /> Jacobsen indicated that it demonstrates the City's commitment to green energy. Councilor Luebke moved <br /> to adopt the resolution, and Councilor Spreitzer seconded. The motion carried 5-0. File 8511 <br /> c. Resolution approving the Issuance of Community Development Authority of the City of Beloit, <br /> Wisconsin Midwestern Disaster Area Revenue Bonds, Series 2011 for the Alliance Development Corp. <br /> project. Economic Development Director Andrew Janke explained the project and how it will be financed <br /> using Midwestern Disaster Bonds. He also explained that the City does not participate in repayment nor <br /> does it have liability for these bonds. Councilor Van De Bogart asked why the City is involved, and Mr. Arft <br /> explained that the City has local control when projects are bonded. He said that the private company is <br /> responsible for all costs but it may borrow money cheaper through bonds. Councilor Newnham thanked <br /> Alliance for its reinvestment in the community and moved to adopt the resolution, and Councilor Luebke <br /> seconded. The motion carried 5-0 through a roll call vote with Councilors Haynes, Van De Bogart, Luebke, <br /> Newnham, and Spreitzer voting in favor. File 8306/8463 <br /> d. Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Second Amendment to the Development <br /> Agreement with Kerry, Inc. Mr. Janke explained that Kerry is planning to construct a 29,000 square-foot <br /> addition to the headquarters in Beloit, which will create 47 new jobs. In order to secure this addition to the <br /> Beloit facility, the City is offering to amend the development agreement. Councilor Newnham thanked <br /> Kerry for its continued reinvestment. Councilor Spreitzer said that he is excited that Kerry is expanding and <br /> encouraged those who will work for Kerry to live in and invest in Beloit. Councilor Haynes moved to adopt <br /> the resolution, and Councilor Newnham seconded. The motion carried 5-O.File 8300 <br /> 11. At 7:40 p.m. Councilor Spreitzer moved to adjourn the meeting, second by Councilor Luebke. The motion <br /> carried 5-0. <br /> A - d04 400, <br /> Reb cca S. Hous man, 'City Clerk <br /> us <br /> Date approved by Council: 09-06-11 <br />