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City Council Minutes
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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> explained that the Ordinance removes the 2-hour parking at those locations. He noted that surveys were <br /> sent out to property owners and residents of the rental units. Councilor De Forest said that she <br /> appreciated the responsiveness of Engineering in keeping the parking on Washburn and Farwell Streets. <br /> Councilor Luebke moved to suspend the rules to allow for a second reading of this Ordinance. Councilor <br /> Haynes seconded, and the motion carried 6-0. Councilor Haynes moved to enact the Ordinance as <br /> proposed, and Councilor Luebke seconded. The motion carried 6-0. File 7791 Ordinance 3450 <br /> b. Proposed Ordinance to Remove 10-hour Parking Time Limit in the Downtown Area was given first <br /> reading. It was noted that Traffic Review Committee recommended approval 5-0. Mr. Flesch explained <br /> that removal of the 10-hour parking time limits would allow people to park for longer periods of time but that <br /> the overnight parking limitation would still apply. He noted that the Downtown Beloit Association and a <br /> majority of the Downtown Businesses were in favor of the change. Councilor Van De Bogart moved to <br /> suspend the rules to allow for a second reading of this Ordinance. Councilor Luebke seconded, and the <br /> motion carried 6-0. Councilor Spreitzer moved to enact the Ordinance as proposed, and Councilor Haynes <br /> seconded. The motion carried 6-0. File 7791 Ordinance 3451 <br /> 7. APPOINTMENTS - none <br /> 8. COUNCILOR ACTIVITES AND UPCOMING EVENTS <br /> a. Councilor Spreitzer said that he enjoyed attending the Latino Community Fair and Welcome to Our Town <br /> Event and was looking forward to the upcoming Send Your Legislators Down the River event, <br /> b. Councilor Van De Bogart encouraged people to continue to participate in all community activities. <br /> c. Councilor De Forest read a personal statement regarding the recent loss of her mother. She expressed <br /> gratitude to foster parents and all those who take care of others in our community. <br /> d. President Leavy welcomed Councilor De Forest back and offered his support and condolences for her loss. <br /> 9. CITY MANAGER'S PRESENTATION <br /> a. Judge William Henderson presented a report on Beloit Municipal Court's Juvenile First Time Offender <br /> Program (JFTO). He said that this program started in 2009 with the goal of changing the behavior of youth <br /> who are first-time offenders. He indicated that there are classroom and work components to the program, <br /> which has a success rate of 92.4 percent. Judge Henderson introduced Fred Atlas who is the Truancy <br /> Coordinator for the Beloit School District and the JFTO program administrator. Mr. Atlas explained the two <br /> components of the program and said that he enjoys the opportunity to positively influence the lives of youth <br /> in this community. Councilor Spreitzer thanked the Judge and Mr. Atlas for presenting the program. <br /> Councilor Luebke commended Judge Henderson and Mr. Atlas for showing students the consequences of <br /> bad behavior, allowing the youth to make amends, and putting them on the path to maturity. Councilor De <br /> Forest expressed support for the program and the collaboration between the Beloit School District and City. <br /> President Leavy echoed support for the program. File 4906 <br /> 10. REPORTS FROM BOARDS AND CITY OFFICERS <br /> a. Resolution providing for the sale of approximately $8,645,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, <br /> Series 2011. Finance and Administrative Services Director Paul York explained that he was contacted by <br /> the City's Financial Advisor, Ehlers and Associates, about the opportunity to refinance some of the City's <br /> outstanding general obligation debt to take advantage of recently declining interest rates. Mr. York said <br /> that refinancing the outstanding debt from the City's 2003 and 2005 General Obligation Bonds and 2005 <br /> General Obligation Notes could result in savings in excess of $600,000. Michael Harrigan of Ehlers and <br /> Associates explained that the current market for interest rates could create significant savings for debt <br /> service if the bonds and notes were refinanced through a competitive open-market bid process. Councilor <br /> Luebke moved to adopt the resolution, and Councilor Van De Bogart seconded. The motion carried 6-0. <br /> File 8463 <br /> b. Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a revised State/Municipal Agreement with the <br /> Wisconsin Department of Transportation for the Design and Construction of the Henry Avenue Bridge. <br /> Mr. Flesch explained that this amended agreement and the amended agreement for the design and <br /> construction of Riverside Drive are related because the State Department of Transportation had to fix an <br /> accounting error. Councilor Haynes moved to adopt the resolution, and Councilor Spreitzer seconded. <br /> Councilor De Forest asked if the design enhancements to the bridge were being funded through the City <br /> and if so, if the Engineering department discussed removing some of the enhancements to save money. <br />
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