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<br /> <br /> city or <br /> BELOIT,w1aconsln <br /> <br /> <br /> PROCEEDINGS OF THE BELOIT CITY COUNCIL <br /> 100 State Street, Beloit, WI 53511 <br /> Monday, October 17, 2011 <br /> Presiding: Kevin D. Leavy <br /> Present: Sheila De Forest, Charles Haynes, David F. Luebke, Eric Newnham, Mark Spreitzer and <br /> James E. Van De Bogart <br /> Absent: None <br /> <br /> 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Forum at Beloit City Hall. <br /> 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE <br /> <br /> 3. SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY/ANNOUNCEMENTS <br /> a. President Leavy asked if anyone in the audience was present to speak regarding item 11.b., the <br /> Resolution providing for the Sale of Approximately $4,325,000 Taxable General Obligation <br /> Refunding Bonds, Series 2011 B. Seeing no one, President Leavy requested that the Council <br /> hear and take action on this item so the presenter would not have to stay for the entire meeting. <br /> The Council was agreeable to this, and Finance and Administrative Services Director Paul York <br /> presented the Resolution. Dawn Gunderson, Ehlers and Associates, presented the pre-sale <br /> report and explained the process. Councilor Luebke moved to adopt the Resolution, and <br /> Councilor Newnham seconded. Councilor Van De Bogart clarified that this action does not add <br /> any new debt and that debt service funds will be saved annually. The Council approved the <br /> resolution unanimously through a roll call vote (7-0). File 8463 <br /> 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> a. Community Development Director Julie Christensen presented the 2012 Community <br /> Development Block Grant (CDBG) Proposed Budget and Annual Action Plan. It was noted <br /> that the Community Development Authority recommended approval of the budget and action plan <br /> by a vote of 5-0-1, with an abstention, and the budget would return to the Council for action on <br /> November 7th. Councilor De Forest recused herself from the public hearing and discussion. <br /> President Leavy opened and closed the public hearing without participation. Councilor Newnham <br /> asked why Meals on Wheels was not being funded, and Councilor Luebke indicated that they <br /> have other funding sources. President Leavy requested that male homelessness be addressed <br /> in the action plan, that staff works with the school district to identify the needs of homeless <br /> students, and that staff follow up with the organizations receiving funds to ensure that the funds <br /> are being spent properly. Councilor De Forest returned to the meeting. File 8514 <br /> b. Ms. Christensen presented the 2012 HOME Investment Partnerships Proposed Budget. It <br /> was noted that the Community Development Authority recommended approval 6-0, and the <br /> budget would return to the Council for action on November 7th. President Leavy opened and <br /> closed the public hearing without participation. File 8515 <br /> c. Mr. York presented the 2012 Operating, Library, and Capital Improvements Proposed <br /> Budgets in summary form. He indicated that the budget would return to the Council on <br /> November 7th for possible action. President Leavy stated that there is a possibility that a snow- <br /> removal fee could be added to the budget, and the Council asked staff to do more research on <br /> the topic. President Leavy opened.the public hearing, and the following people spoke: <br /> • Michael McNulty, 1245 Eaton Avenue, asked the Council to think about the Beloit <br /> they will leave their children when making decisions about the budget. He spoke in <br /> support of the parks and recreation opportunities for children in the community. <br /> • Mike Zoril, 1756 Carlyle Road, suggested that the budget should be fixed by cutting <br /> costs not by cutting services. He said that taxpayers should not be paying for City <br /> employees' expensive health insurance plans and that it is a waste of money to <br /> purchase and destroy houses. He indicated that it is not the taxpayers' job to provide <br /> recreation for children and suggested that the pool only be open every other year. <br />