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<br /> <br /> • Deloyde Sanders, 1015 Park Avenue, expressed concern regarding the cuts to the <br /> police and fire departments. He indicated that the Porter Area Watch Group has been <br /> working to establish a good relationship between the police and the community, and <br /> reducing the number of officers will negatively impact the community. <br /> • Art Lefeber, 637 Wisconsin Avenue, spoke against the budget cuts to the police and <br /> fire departments. He stated that these cuts will negatively impact the quality of life in <br /> Beloit. <br /> • Ed Scoville, 1654 White Avenue, recommended that the city-issued cars be <br /> eliminated and police and fire administration be consolidated. <br /> • Jim Cronin, 1710 Emerson Street, spoke in favor of continuing the City's recreational <br /> programming including the ice rink, which brings money into Beloit through games <br /> and tournaments. <br /> • Heather Miller, address not given, indicated that a reduction in the number of typists <br /> in the police department may create more overtime for officers because they will be <br /> waiting for reports. She also said that 10-hour shifts for officers would not cost the <br /> City additional money. <br /> • Kerry Daugherty, 1018 Cleveland Street, spoke against the cuts in the police and fire <br /> departments and asked why safety personnel have not received their contracted <br /> raises. <br /> President Leavy closed the public hearing. File 8514 <br /> 5. CITIZENS' PARTICIPATION - none <br /> 6. CONSENT AGENDA <br /> Councilor De Forest moved to adopt the Consent Agenda, and Councilor Luebke seconded. The <br /> motion carried that the Consent Agenda be accepted, approved, adopted, or referred and acted upon <br /> as required by state and local codes by a vote of 7-0. <br /> a. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 3, 2011 were approved. <br /> b. Application for a Condominium Plat for the Fuller Woods Condominiums Addendum No. 1, for <br /> property located on the 2700 block of East Ridge Road was referred to the Plan Commission. <br /> File 8025 <br /> c. Resolution authorizing Final Payment of Public Works Contract C11-20 Barrett Place <br /> Rehabilitation was adopted. File 8504 <br /> 7. ORDINANCES <br /> a. Proposed Ordinance to Repeal and Recreate Sections 1.10 and 1.11 and to amend 25.04(4)(c) of <br /> the Code of General Ordinances of the City of Beloit pertaining to Emergency Management and <br /> Continuity of Government was given a second reading. Assistant City Attorney Elizabeth <br /> Krueger presented an overview of the proposed changes. Councilor Van De Bogart moved to <br /> enact the Ordinance, and Councilor Luebke seconded. The motion carried 7-0. File 6543 <br /> Ordinance 3453 <br /> 8. APPOINTMENTS <br /> President Leavy announced openings and submitted the following appointments to the City <br /> Committees, Boards, and Commissions for approval. The appointments were approved on a motion <br /> by Councilor Newnham and a second by Councilor Haynes. The motion carried 7-0. <br /> a. Alcohol Beverage License Control Committee: Frank J. Marsden for a term ending June 30, <br /> 2014. File 6145 <br /> b. Board of Appeals: Charles Kincaid for a term ending May 31, 2013 and Merlin L. Bussan, as <br /> First Alternate, for a term ending May 31, 2014. File 6130 <br /> c. Disabled Parking Enforcement Assistance Council: Roger Spenle for a term ending October <br /> 31, 2014. File 6201 <br /> d. Landmarks Commission: Rick McGrath, for a term ending October 31, 2014, and Shari Carley <br /> for a term ending October 31, 2014. File 5860 <br />