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recommended that the parking lot be striped. President Haynes opened and closed the public <br /> hearing without participation. Councilor Luebke moved to adopt the resolution, and Councilor <br /> Kincaid seconded. The motion carried 7-0. File 8539 <br /> 5. CITIZENS' PARTICIPATION <br /> a. Melissa Stoltz, 421 Central Avenue, spoke on behalf of the supporters of a backyard chicken <br /> ordinance. She provided additional pages of signatures on a petition supporting an ordinance <br /> allowing chickens in residential areas. President Haynes said that the tentative workshop <br /> regarding this Ordinance is scheduled for May 30, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. in the Forum. <br /> 6. CONSENT AGENDA <br /> Councilor Luebke made a motion to adopt the Consent Agenda, which consists of items 6.a. through <br /> 6.i. Councilor Leavy seconded, and the motion carried that the Consent Agenda be accepted, <br /> approved, adopted, or referred and acted upon as required by state and local codes by a vote of 7-0. <br /> a. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 16, 2012 and the Reorganizational Meeting of April <br /> 17, 2012 were approved. <br /> b. The resolution authorizing the City of Beloit to apply for and enter into a Grant Agreement for the <br /> Edward Byrne Memorial Local Justice Assistance Grant(JAG) Program FY 2012 and Partner <br /> with Rock County through a Regional Memorandum of Understanding was adopted. File 7947 <br /> c. The resolution approving a Utility Easement Agreement between the City of Beloit and <br /> Windstream KDL, Inc., for the property located at 321 Broad Street, was adopted. File 6667/8131 <br /> d. The resolution authorizing Final Payment of Public Works Contract C11-07, Street Maintenance, <br /> was adopted. File 8456 <br /> e. An application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow an outdoor seating area, the outdoor sales, <br /> possession, and consumption of alcohol, and indoor alcohol sales in a C-2, Neighborhood <br /> Commercial District, for the property located at 2683 Prairie Avenue, d/b/a Thirsty Badger, was <br /> referred to the Plan Commission. File 8541 <br /> f. An application for a Class "B" Beer and "Class B" Liquor License for Bagels and More LLC <br /> d/b/a Bagels and More, David J. Siekierski, Agent, 324 State Street, from previous Class"B" Beer <br /> and "Class C"Wine, was referred to ABLCC. File 8542 <br /> g. Applications for the Renewal of Alcohol Beverage Licenses for License Period July 1, 2012- <br /> June 30, 2013 were referred to ABLCC. File 8542 <br /> h. A resolution approving Temporary Class "B"/"Class B" Retailer's License for an Art Walk <br /> event at Visit Beloit, 500 Public Avenue, was adopted. File 8497 <br /> i. A resolution authorizing the City Manager to apply for Wisconsin Department of <br /> Transportation-Safe Routes to School Grant on behalf of the School District of Beloit was <br /> adopted. File 7947 <br /> 7. ORDINANCES <br /> a. City Manager Larry Arft presented a proposed ordinance to amend Section 15.06(4)(b)1 of the <br /> Code of General Ordinances of the City of Beloit relating to Alcohol Consumption and <br /> Possession on Streets and other Public Places. Manager Arft explained that the existing <br /> ordinance prohibits alcohol on public streets without a specific exception. He explained that the a <br /> group representing the Muscular Dystrophy Association Tub Run would like to have an event <br /> featuring alcohol in the public right-of-way in Beloit and that the group would need an ordinance <br /> change to accommodate this. Mr. Arft said that 1,500 or more motorcyclists will be attending the <br /> event and that the organizers have applied for a street closure permit to close a section of State <br /> Street and Public Avenue. He explained that the ordinance also includes an exception for the new <br /> downtown location for Riverfest. Councilor Luebke made a motion to enact the Ordinance, and <br /> Councilor Spreitzer seconded. Councilor Leavy expressed an interest in looking at the two parts <br /> of this ordinance separately, and he asked Police Chief Norm Jacobs if he has any concerns with <br /> the Tub Run event. Chief Jacobs indicated that the City does not have the resources to shut <br /> down the routes in and out of the City in the manner requested. Councilor Leavy asked the Tub <br /> Run organizer, Tom Barnes, if he sees the need for police assistance with this event. Mr. Barnes <br /> said that, historically, cities have provided assistance at all controlled intersections. Councilor <br /> Leavy said that he is concerned with the need for police assistance and the safety of the event. <br /> Mr. Barnes indicated that he is not aware of any alcohol-related problems in the 18 year history of <br />